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For Everyone

Bloom Yoga offers classes, workshops, and series for everyone. Everyone is welcome to join the following classes, workshops, and series as they are offered.


These offerings are offered at various times throughout the year, please review the schedule for information regarding when they are offered. If there is an offering you are interested in, please do not hesitate to contact Bloom Yoga to be updated when the offering is scheduled. 


Root & Bloom:  Offered as an eight week series consisting of weekly ninety minute classes or as a two and half hour workshop. 




 Into the Darkness: Offered as a two and half hour workshop. 


Beneath Still Waters: Offered as an eight week series consisting of weekly ninety minute classes or as a two and half hour workshop. 


Rooted:  Offered as individual classes, as weekly classes, or as an eight week series consisting of weekly ninety minute classes. 


Healing-Centred Engagement Yoga: Offered as individual classes, weekly classes, an eight week series consisting of weekly ninety minute classes, and as a two and half hour workshop. 

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